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10 Amazing Facts About Dreams

I came across this very interesting article about about dreams.. Ever since I did the post on Inception; I have been very interested in this subject only because everyone experiences this weird phenomena called dreaming. Scientists can’t explain it and neither can the people who have experienced sleep paralysis but that’s a whole different story.. Anyway here are ten amazing facts about dreams:
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Time Slips / Time Travel

A time slip is an alleged paranormal phenomenon in which a person, or group of people, travel through time through supernatural (rather than technological) means. As with all paranormal phenomena, the objective reality of such experiences is disputed.
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Are We Living In A Computer Simulation ?

This is one interesting concept of life! But what we perceive may not be as real as it seems.. This theory states we are nothing but a model within a giant computer simulation which is ran by a super civilization from the future?
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Club 27: Musicians Who Died At 27

The 27 Club, also known as Club 27 or Forever 27 Club, is a name given to a group of notable musicians who died at the young age of 27. Their deaths during this ripe age are either known or shrouded in mystery.

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Top 10 Evil Human Experiments

10. Stanford Prison Experiment

The Stanford prison experiment was a psychological study of human responses to captivity and its behavioral effects on both authorities and inmates in prison. The experiment was conducted in 1971 by a team of researchers led by psychologist Philip Zimbardo at Stanford University. Undergraduate volunteers played the roles of both guards and prisoners living in a mock prison in the basement of the Stanford psychology building.
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The Mothman Mystery

Mothman History

The first sighting came in the early 1960s. A woman was driving along Route 2, near the Ohio River, with her father. As she neared the Chief Cornstalk Hunting Grounds, a large man-shaped figure walked out onto the road. As the woman slowed her car, the figure spread two large wings and took off. Ironically, the witness did not report the incident – “Who would believe us, anyway?”
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A List Of Cursed Objects..

There has been many reports across the web about these ‘cursed items’.. I have some doubts but who knows; some of these curses might be the result of old folk tales and superstitions created by our modern society. But here is a list of objects that have been ‘cursed’ and which are still killing people today!
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SLIders: “Electric People” That Can’t Be Explained

Street Light Interference Phenomenon

Now this is a new phenomenon that has been reported by many people including me… Well ill start with my experience, Every night when I drive home the same street light always turns off soon as I’m next to it and even when I park my car in the driveway the other light magically turns off.. It happens too often to be labeled as a coincidence. So i decided to do some research on this subject and I found that it’s not just me; it happens to a lot of different people across the web… Even the mainstream media has reported some of the people’s experiences.. Wikipedia also has a page on it… Below ill include more information about this phenomenon..

Some people dismiss this theory by stating that the street lights cycle on and off when they’re about to burn-out.. But many people say it happens way too often to be claimed as a “dead lamp.” The theory is that little electrical impulses in the brain are causing interference with the control box. They have done tests on many of these people that claim this ability, and they found out they couldn’t recreate the effects. (They state that it’s not in their ability to control this phenomenon.)

You wont read about this phenomenon in scientific journals because people can’t purposely trigger these weird effects.. This affects women and men of all ages and backgrounds, But the most common thing between these people is that they have a lot of psychic energy. Now during research they found out that when these people are extremely angry, or happy (Extreme Emotions Only) is the only time when they can trigger street lights to go out, or make electronic devices freak-out… Now this might seem cool to the average person but in reality it’s an expensive pattern that won’t stop! (Think of all the things they have to replace)


They call these people: SLIders…. They are people who have no particular interest in the paranormal events and are unwilling to tell others due to being ridiculed in the past. They are often relieved to find that others share their ability. This phenomenon doesn’t occur with all street lights but it seems more are susceptible than others. The general rule of thumb is about 20 meters away from street lamps and electrical devices.. Many skeptics claim that this is a normal process of lights to cycle on and on.. Another idea is that the light sensors are being triggered by on-coming cars.. Scientists believe that many of these occurrences are nothing but a coincidence but the believers of this phenomenon believe that something is happening that cannot be explained by our incomplete science!

A List of Unexplained Occurrences

  • Appliances such as lamps and TVs go on and off without being touched.
  • Lightbulbs constantly blow when the SLIder tries to turn them off or on.
  • Volume levels change on TVs, radios, and CD players.
  • Watches stop working.
  • Children’s toys start by themselves
  • Credit cards and other magnetically encoded cards are damaged or erased when in their possession

  • Research

    A research project into SLI was conducted by Dr. Richard Wiseman at the University of Hertfordshire in England. In 2000, Wiseman made the newspapers with a project to test ESP with a kiosk-type machine – called The Mind Machine – that he set up in various locations around England to collect a large amount of data about the possible psychic abilities of the general public.

    Hillary Evans, an author and paranormal investigator with The Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena (ASSAP), also studied the phenomenon. (You can download the original SLI Effect book in PDF format by Hilary Evans completely free from their website.) She established the Street Lamp Interference Data Exchange as a place where SLIders can report their experiences and share those of other SLIders. [The existence of this exchange cannot be verified at this time.] “It’s quite obvious from the letters I get,” Evans told CNN, “that these people are perfectly healthy, normal people. It’s just that they have some kind of ability… just a gift they’ve got. It may not be a gift they would like to have.”


    Stories From External Websites


    I’m a streetlamp person myself and so is my partner. I tend to turn them off in sequence, more than one at a time, when I’m driving or out for a walk and I’m kind of in a trance or daydreaming. (I don’t daydream when I’m driving, but often my mind will automate the task and my reflexes and I’ll be in a state of contemplation of something else while my body takes care of the gas pedal and wheel. It’s sort of meditative.) This is when the streetlights go off the most.

    I once delivered some bad news to my boyfriend at work. After about ten seconds of extreme emotion, the fire and burglar alarms in the building we were in went off spontaneously and the monitoring system claimed that the fire was directly above the room that we had been sitting in. Obviously there was no fire. It took hours for the relevant authorities to get the systems back to normal because they kept going off until we left the building. This was a problem since we were there to lock up and couldn’t leave until the alarms were settled.

    I can always sense other “electric” people. I had a theory that it had to do with auras after I saw photographs of plant auras and a description of them as being simply electriv fields that everything possesses. I started learning how to see auras and became quite good at it.

    I also can’t keep a watch running for more than a few months. Mine never start working again once dead.

    I seem to have an affinity for certain electrical devices. I can almost always predict accurately what the next song will be on the radio as the current song is ending. I tend to pick up the phone to call someone and find them on the line about to dial my number. How we connect without either of us dialing is a mystery to me. I’m also quite intuitive when it comes to computers, although this is hard to explain. If there’s a problem with my machine I just sit and think about it for a second and the answer, however obscure, will pop into my head.

    I’m fascinated by these accounts of alien implants that I read about on this page. I’m interested in taking the test for implants and I have to wonder if that’s why I have such an intense aversion to shows about those grey alien critters. Hmm.

    Stephanie VanD
    Toronto, ON Canada
    Sunday, July 29, 2001 at 11:13:05 (PDT)

    Well, I’m notorious for blowing light bulbs. I can’t even tell you how many, but we can never keep stocked up. But my real problem is, when I’m mad or REALLY MAD I not only blow bulbs, but I zapp any electrical thing I’m around. The tv will shut off, or change channels or volume, depending on the level of “mad” I’m in.My computer will freeze and refuse to let me even pull up the log in page. But my friends, especially my best friend, really hates being around me when Im angry, I zapp them and, well, they’re getting angry back at me now, but if it goes up a notch between us, I zapp them and it comes back and zapps me. That’s usually when I go off by myself to calm down. I go thru spurts where lampposts will go off when I go under them and come on when

    I move away.My pets hide, not that I’d do anything to them, but you can feel the energy around me intensify and animals are sensitive to things like that. I’ve made my computer lock up three times in the 6 months i’ve had it. It’s really been active since I got married 14 years ago. I zapp the phone and pick it up and start talking to someone. Now that one freaks my husband out still. I’m not “allowed” to do it, but sometimes, without thinking I just reach for the phone and my husband goes for a ride.I hope this is the kind of stuff you were asking for . But I saw a chance to tell someone about this and read about others in the same kind of boat. How weird.

    Brenda Sheklian
    Visalia, CA USA
    Monday, July 23, 2001 at 19:59:00 (PDT)

    For some reason I destroy electronics. If I touch a computer it crashes, especially if I’m frustrated. Modems, Zips, Cd players. When visiting my friend in Az he said “Well you’ve been here five minutes and every light in the house blew”. I think it involes my emotional state most of the time. If I’m angry or anxious, things detinate around me. It is strange.

    Boston, MA USA –
    Thursday, June 28, 2001 at 22:01:42 (PDT)

    Unlike most of the reports I’ve read here where people encounter negative effects I have an unusual ability that is quite positive for me. I am an electric lift truck mechanic and many times when I arrive at a vehicle breakdown I find nothing wrong and the vehicle operates flawlessly, even when three or four other operators verify that the lift won’t run all I do is try the controls and it runs.When there is an actual burned up componentI can usually locate it immediately without the manual or running any tests, I just open the access doors and I am just drawn to the trouble spot like a magnet. Also when I get an indescribable caution feeling when driving I know to slow down and look around because there is a radar setup somewhere. I never have any problems operating any kind of electrical devices when nearly everyone I know has certain problems now and then. I feel blessed and never try to use it or figure it out I just let it happen and follow along.

    Sunday, June 03, 2001 at 15:49:44 (PDT)

    Read All Of The Stories Here…
    (Tons of personal experiences)


    Interesting Videos & Links

    My Shocking Story (Electric Human) A Must Watch!

    Electric People (This Person Claims This Ability) (Click To View In Popup)

    Street light Interference Demo (Click To View In Popup)

    The Cause, Stopping the Pain, and “Electric People”

    Sliders: People Who Cause Strange Electrical Phenomena

    The Curious Case of Street Lamp Interference

    Exploring Street Light Interference

    Street Light Interference Syndrome

    This is a phenomenon that is occurring all over the world and has some valid researchers scratching their heads.. The above video is one shot by Discovery Channel which shows interesting cases of these “electric humans..” These people have a increased energy and you can learn more about your connection with the universe in this post.… If you would like to find out more about this subject please visit the links I provided above and look at this website for some more interesting data about the SLI phenomena. If you have any information about this subject or if you would like to send your experiences, please send it to

    The 13 Crystal Skulls

    One of the most compelling mysteries of all time is the conspiracy of the 13 Crystal Skulls.. Many of these skulls have been found around the world and near many mysterious places including the Great Pyramids and the Stonehenge… Many people think these skulls are believed to between 5000 and 35,000 years old… Some people “think” these skulls posses magical powers and healing properties but no one knows where they came from or why they even exist! There are many theories; that they came from the lost city of Atlantis or from the Mayan civilization… The most weird theory is that they can be used to see into the past and even the future!
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    Evidence That We Have Lived Before…..

    Hypnosis has been used by therapists to treat a number of psychological issues. For example: When they ask a young kid about memories of his childhood… The hypnotis accidentally triggered memories of past lives by asking the child this question. So that has raised some great concern by scientist and wondering if we have lived more than one life… or if our soul keeps living.. But below Ill include some of the transcript of the THIRD WITNESS as seen in full on ViewZone and the book is available for purchase on…. Click show below to view the actual transcript… Do some further reading HERE about Reincarnation….
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    Some Really Crazy Earth Anomalies…..

    1. Mexico’s Zone of Silence.

    by Scott Corrales
    There exist a number of “accursed sites” on the surface of our planet. Some of these locations are the sites of gravitational or atmospheric disturbances that still remain unexplained by twentieth century science. Such anomalous areas possess properties which interfere sporadically with humans and their equipment. One area worthy of mention surrounds the Mediterranean island of Elba (famous for being Napoleon’s first place of exile), and is the bane of maritime aviation in the Mediterranean; another spot is Mt. Stredohori in Czechoslovakia, where an unknown force drains car engines of power throughout the length of a 75-foot stretch of road.
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    Black Eyed People… Fact or Fiction?

    Have you ever heard of Black Eyed Kids/People (BEK’s)? Is it fact or fiction? There are many stories across the web of these “blacked eyed people” Most of them are described as kids with olive skin.. There eyes are completely black and they are said to have “evil” presence about them. They will not use force unless you “INVITE” them into your house. They always seem to have a problem and want to use your phone.. So if you ever see these people do not hesitate to move away fast! The most horrifying aspect of all of this is that those who claim to have encountered these sinister kids swear that they’ve had to actively resist the temptation to do their bidding, as if their voices carried some sort of hypnotic influence. Below ill include some stories and information from across the internet..
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    Weird Blackholes Popping Up..UFO Connection ?

    Lately there has been a lot of unexplained phenomenon happening across the globe. Between bad weather, weird black-holes and UFO fleets.. Is this just a coincidence or a new problem that our world is facing.. Could these vortexes be from using HAARP or some type of UFO technology? Well below ill be including some information to put this theory to rest.. Here is some recent news about this weird phenomenon… These are ordered by date… NOTE: These are only the well-known cases of this phenomenon…Read more of the strange occurrences across the world below!
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