Monthly Archives: April 2011

The “Hidden” Inflation… In Food Packaging

Ever since the last “recession” and the huge bailouts that were given to corporations by the government was only the beginning of something much worse! It’s Here People!! The depression, hyper-inflation and the upcoming food crisis that the whole world will face starting off with America! Trust me people! Ever since the Nuclear disaster in Japan our food supply have never been more threatened than ever! They already found radiation in Milk, Strawberries and all the other naturally growing foods including fish, chicken and beef.. Our government doesn’t want to admit it yet but there is always a cover-up involving these natural disasters. It already has been labeled way worse than Chernobyl and schools in Korea have been closing due to radioactive rain..
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Radioactive Fallout Is Everywhere!!

Well there has been a lot of reports coming out now about Plutonium and many other different kinds of isotopes which haven been over the United States since March 18th… Now I turn on the news and now they are not reporting about this disaster much like the BP disaster in the gulf. The mainstream media has taken all focus off of this story.. Why? Because it’s very toxic stuff and it’s over the entire world right now and it’s not getting any better. Some of these radioactive materials half-life is like 17 million years. So how will this have a effect on our bodies?
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The Fourth Dimension Will Be Opening Up Soon

Classical physics theories describe three physical dimensions: from a particular point in space, the basic directions in which we can move are up/down, left/right, and forward/backward. Movement in any other direction can be expressed in terms of just these three. But since 3D TV is becoming more popular scientists “think” that the fourth dimension will be opening up very shortly…What does this mean?
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The Next UPCOMING Disaster….

We all know something is about to happen in the United States and across the globe… Lately the weather has been awful crazy…. It rains in my state about 4 days out of the week. It never use to rain this much, and their has been a lot of flooding and it’s only gotten worse over the last year. The weather has been crazy everywhere in the United States.. It’s still not warm outside and its almost May.. It skips over seasons, Now it’s only Winter and Summer… Natural Disasters have been happening like every month.. This past winter we had record snow falls, but the worst thing that happened in 2011 was the Japan Earthquake/Tsunami and the Nuclear Melt-Down which is still leaking today… It seems like the mainstream media gets “distracted” from every disaster… It’s because they want to draw you attention away from one thing by telling you something else happened…
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The SuperContinent Theory (Pangaea)

The Pangaea Theory states that all the current continents were once together, which formed a “supercontinent” The word Pangaea is Greek for “All Lands..” These continents are still moving today and maybe one day they will form back together or crash into each other… The way continents move is by the Earth’s crust heating up and then this hot magma drags these plates into different directions…. This theory was claimed as a Hoax but now there has been a lot of evidence to support this theory…
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Chemtrails/Death-Dumps! Secret Govt Operation

Chemtrails have been a conspiracy for some time right now… They are REAL! I know for a fact! All you have to do is look in the sky on a clear day… You can see these airplanes that are way higher than commercial planes.. These planes have no markings and they go different ways than what the FAA dictates. So this is some type of military operation because they are spending a lot of money to do these “death dumps..” People also dismiss this theory by saying these Chemtrails are “Contrails” but that is false.. A Contrail is water vapor which DISSIPATES in the sky unlike Chemtrails which stay in the air for a good amount of time… Read the rest of this entry

Evidence That We Have Lived Before…..

Hypnosis has been used by therapists to treat a number of psychological issues. For example: When they ask a young kid about memories of his childhood… The hypnotis accidentally triggered memories of past lives by asking the child this question. So that has raised some great concern by scientist and wondering if we have lived more than one life… or if our soul keeps living.. But below Ill include some of the transcript of the THIRD WITNESS as seen in full on ViewZone and the book is available for purchase on…. Click show below to view the actual transcript… Do some further reading HERE about Reincarnation….
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Who Really Monitors Your Internet Activity?

We all know that our Internet searches and history are monitored by advertising and other companies which happily give over the information to law enforcement agencies… Theses companies pretty much “sell” this data to them but this is what these companies are in business for not advertising on websites. It’s a FRONT..We all know about the stories where people post “terroristic things” on Twitter and Facebook, then this individual gets visited by the FBI and is questioned. So Big Brother is watching you! You are being watche and listened to; No matter if your on the phone or the computer. ECHELON is a system that monitors all communications in the United States… It’s pretty interesting how many companies are tracking you on the popular websites. I know my website has Adsense and Analytics but that is for my reference only…
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Some Really Crazy Earth Anomalies…..

1. Mexico’s Zone of Silence.

by Scott Corrales
There exist a number of “accursed sites” on the surface of our planet. Some of these locations are the sites of gravitational or atmospheric disturbances that still remain unexplained by twentieth century science. Such anomalous areas possess properties which interfere sporadically with humans and their equipment. One area worthy of mention surrounds the Mediterranean island of Elba (famous for being Napoleon’s first place of exile), and is the bane of maritime aviation in the Mediterranean; another spot is Mt. Stredohori in Czechoslovakia, where an unknown force drains car engines of power throughout the length of a 75-foot stretch of road.
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Black Eyed People… Fact or Fiction?

Have you ever heard of Black Eyed Kids/People (BEK’s)? Is it fact or fiction? There are many stories across the web of these “blacked eyed people” Most of them are described as kids with olive skin.. There eyes are completely black and they are said to have “evil” presence about them. They will not use force unless you “INVITE” them into your house. They always seem to have a problem and want to use your phone.. So if you ever see these people do not hesitate to move away fast! The most horrifying aspect of all of this is that those who claim to have encountered these sinister kids swear that they’ve had to actively resist the temptation to do their bidding, as if their voices carried some sort of hypnotic influence. Below ill include some stories and information from across the internet..
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Weird Blackholes Popping Up..UFO Connection ?

Lately there has been a lot of unexplained phenomenon happening across the globe. Between bad weather, weird black-holes and UFO fleets.. Is this just a coincidence or a new problem that our world is facing.. Could these vortexes be from using HAARP or some type of UFO technology? Well below ill be including some information to put this theory to rest.. Here is some recent news about this weird phenomenon… These are ordered by date… NOTE: These are only the well-known cases of this phenomenon…Read more of the strange occurrences across the world below!
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Obama Has No Birth Certificate! The Facts…

Lately there has been a lot of talk about Obama’s Birth Certificate… Donald Trump is spending his own money into this investigation.. He has sent people down to Hawaii to look-into this conspiracy.. Now Donald Trump said he can’t believe what he is finding down there but he also said he really doubts that Obama was a legal-born citizen.. Now if that’s true Obama has pulled off the greatest SCAM every in the history of the United States of America.. Our founding fathers are turning over in their graves right now.. This conspiracy is no longer a conspiracy, once Trump releases his information he will be ignored by the media and the government and labeled as “crazy.” This is already happening.
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80 Interesting Facts About The Queen

1. Queen Elizabeth II is the fortieth monarch since William the Conqueror obtained the crown of England.
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Our Food & Water Is Toxic! Radiation Poisoning

I’m not sure if you have been following all the news updates about Japan and the NUCLEAR DISASTER which is happening right now! There is Nuclear Waste which is being poured into the Pacific Ocean as we speak and it will continue unless we cover this failing plant with cement… China has been the only nation which has raised complete concern about this disaster. While the USA and other countries have played it off like nothing is happening.. The radiation fall-out has made it’s way all across the world now. We are all breathing in this toxic stuff right now! In California they were told not to eat strawberries, lettuce, mushrooms (Well Pretty Much Anything) and not to drink rainwater (Soon to be Tap-Water.) The EPA and the US Government are not raising any concerns about this disaster, it’s hundred times worse than the BP Oil Spill and much more toxic!
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Secret Military Codes Hidden In Road Signs!! (Tacmars)

I’m not sure if many of you have heard about this conspiracy theory… It’s about our road signs having secret “military codes” hidden on the signs. This refers to a reflective sticker that is placed on the rear of these signs.. Well I have CONFIRMED this story with my own eyes and you can too. It’s simple go drive around town as a passenger in the car of course and look at the back of the signs. The most popular one I have found is in front of a store like Walgreen’s, Rite Aid or Somewhere else that does Vaccinations and Photo IDs… Now if it’s like the one by my house there is a sign pointing to the two different roadways. But it just so happens to be pointing directly into the store and there is one of these reflective stickers on this sign.. This is for when they “round up” everyone to be vaccinated and get a “new” government ID..
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