Category Archives: Predictions and Prophecies

Putin To Generals: Prepare For Armageddon

By Raja G Mujtaba

Armageddon (commonly known as the battle against the anti-Christ) according to the Bible, is the site of a battle during the end times, variously interpreted as either a literal or symbolic location. The term is also used in a generic sense to refer to any end-of-the-world scenario.
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Edgar Cayce: Seven Prophecies That Came True

Edgar Cayce (1877–1945) was an American psychic who allegedly had the ability to give answers to questions on subjects such as healing or Atlantis while in a hypnotic trance. Though Cayce himself was a devout Christian and lived before the emergence of the New Age Movement, some believe he was the founder of the movement and influenced its teachings. Here are some of his predictions about the future:
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Govt. Warning – Strong Solar Storm Will Cause Devastation

If you have been following many sites like Spaceweather and Beforeitsnews; you’ll see a lot of talk about Nibiru, Comets, Sunspots and other similar doomsday theories. There is only a bit of truth in many of those different posts, but the information i’m providing to you today was received in a email by The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) . Now this is coming straight from a government organization, which is warning of a strong solar storm that will cause serious devastation… Read the rest of this entry

Science Reveals 8 Catastrophic Events That Could Wipe Out Humanity

1. Celestial Body Impact Collision

This refers to astronomical objects, mostly asteroids, that will penetrate Earth’s atmosphere causing impact much like the Yucatan Chicxulub crater which most scientists agree is the smoking gun responsible for the demise of the dinosaurs and more than 70 percent of Earth’s living species 65 million years ago.

Asteroid 2004 MN4 was recently upgraded to “an unprecedented level of risk” of striking the planet on April 13, 2029. Hey if NASA claims it’s “worried”, we common folk should be petrified!
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Contagion: A Future Plan For A Deadly Pandemic?

Today I turned on the TV and Dr. Oz was talking the new movie Contagion with the director of the CDC and the director of the movie. (Steven Soderbergh) The director was very scared about this ‘infectious disease’, I found this weird since this is only a movie.. Right? Now what I don’t understand is why would the director of the CDC (Thomas R. Frieden) be on the Dr. Oz show talking about this ‘fictional’ movie? Unless they are trying to prepare people for the future; as we know and have seen before.. Read the rest of this entry

Nine Signs of Hopi: A Prophecy?

This is a pretty interesting prophecy from the Hopi Tribe. “The fourth world shall end soon and the fifth world will being”. They have written down nine signs, and over the years many have been fulfilled and there are only a couple that are left.. Could this just be a prophecy? Well you decide for yourself, here are the nine signs:
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New Crop Circles: A Possible Prediction?

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ELEnin is an Extinction Level Event !

Lately there has been a lot of talk about ‘ELEnin’ and the upcoming disaster which will strike Earth.. Not to mention the crazy weather we have been having… Earthquakes, Flooding and Volcanoes are only the beginning.. Below I’m going to include some undeniable evidence about a pending global meltdown and the end of the world; as we know it.. Read our other posts below before you read the ELEnin information… All these links below connect the dots to this ElEnin theory and it also suggests that ‘something’ is about to happen soon…
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The Next UPCOMING Disaster….

We all know something is about to happen in the United States and across the globe… Lately the weather has been awful crazy…. It rains in my state about 4 days out of the week. It never use to rain this much, and their has been a lot of flooding and it’s only gotten worse over the last year. The weather has been crazy everywhere in the United States.. It’s still not warm outside and its almost May.. It skips over seasons, Now it’s only Winter and Summer… Natural Disasters have been happening like every month.. This past winter we had record snow falls, but the worst thing that happened in 2011 was the Japan Earthquake/Tsunami and the Nuclear Melt-Down which is still leaking today… It seems like the mainstream media gets “distracted” from every disaster… It’s because they want to draw you attention away from one thing by telling you something else happened…
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