Blog Archives

They Want Us Dead! – Red Level Alert America

(Miss American for FederalJack) –  While we are all focusing on the coming financial collapse, as bad as that is something much more sinister is in the works.  It’s very subtle if you are not paying attention.  But, to the aware, it’s blatant, insidious, and just as horrific as Hitler’s Germany.
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BP Covers Obvious Oil on Beaches While Insisting it’s Actually Algae

The tar balls that washed up all across the Gulf Coast post Hurricane Lee are confirmed matches for the Louisiana crude that spewed from the ocean floor after the Deepwater Horizon disaster.  What’s more, a study by Auburn University revealed this week that the the oil has barely degraded over the course of the last year. Instead of cleaning it up, however, some counties are opting to simply bury the evidence. Literally.
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Contagion: A Future Plan For A Deadly Pandemic?

Today I turned on the TV and Dr. Oz was talking the new movie Contagion with the director of the CDC and the director of the movie. (Steven Soderbergh) The director was very scared about this ‘infectious disease’, I found this weird since this is only a movie.. Right? Now what I don’t understand is why would the director of the CDC (Thomas R. Frieden) be on the Dr. Oz show talking about this ‘fictional’ movie? Unless they are trying to prepare people for the future; as we know and have seen before.. Read the rest of this entry

Arsenic In Our Apple Juice?!

If your familiar with the toxic crap, we call food then you should know it’s filled with toxic shit! Well this Arsenic information was featured on the Dr. Oz show. So what is Arsenic? Well it occurs in many minerals, usually in conjunction with sulfur and metals, and also as a pure elemental crystal. It was first documented by Albertus Magnus in 1250. The main use of metallic arsenic is for strengthening alloys of copper and especially lead (for example, in automotive batteries). Well they put this toxic stuff into our food supply; here is some good information:
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Microwave Ovens Are Dangerous!

Did you know that almost every household in America owns a Microwave Oven.. Most people are familiar with ‘nuking’ their frozen food, but is it actually good for you? Of-Course Not! But most people don’t even think about the dangerous effects of this very convenient piece of technology. What ever you do; don’t microwave anything plastic or metal! Below I included a lot of good information which suggests that you should throw out your microwave oven and start eating healthy because it’s only killing you!
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Please Wake Up America and Tell Your Friends!

We all know that America is on the wrong track.. You should already know that our Government doesn’t care about you! We are loosing more freedoms everyday and it’s only going to get worse.. Maybe if Ron Paul becomes the President in 2012, everything could do a entire 180. I know ill be voting for him because he is the only one that supports the citizens and their rights! Below is just a simple list of the problems that came to my head.. Stand up against the powers that deprive you of a simple and happy life!! We as Americans are getting pissed and we can’t take this way of life much longer! 10 Things That Came To My Mind In 10 Seconds:
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Toxins From G.M Plants Found in Women and Fetuses

When the U.S government approved Monsanto’s genetically modified ‘BT’ corn, they knew it would add a deadly poison into our food supply! The corn’s DNA is fitted with a gene from bacteria called Bacillus Thuringiensis that produces this BT-Toxin.. It’s basically a pesticide, which breaks open the stomach of insects and kills them! But Monsanto and the EPA said that this toxin would only affect insects.. They claimed that it wouldn’t hurt the human digestive system… Now don’t forget that most of the corn in the United States is genetically modified!
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Top 10 Dangerous Toothpaste Ingredients

Even though toothpaste (in some form or another) has been around as long as the Ancient Greeks have, the formula (as we know it) did not become popular until World War I. As soon as companies began manufacturing toothpaste, people began to purchase the magical concoction – guaranteed to produce glistening teeth! White teeth were all the rage after World War I had ended, and toothpaste quickly became a product that most people simply couldn’t live without.
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6 Ways Food is Being Used as a Weapon

Activist Post

Hungry people will do anything for food, which means that those who have control over food can use it as leverage. In 1974, Henry Kissinger suggested using food as a weapon to induce targeted population reduction in a previously classified 200-page reportNational Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.  The primary tactic to be applied is that food aid would be withheld from developing nations until they submitted to birth control policies:
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The A to Z of the Food Industry’s Most Evil Ingredients

If you want to stay healthy and out of the hospital,read ingredients labels and make sure you avoid all these ingredients: Below is a great article from Mike Adams at Natural News.. Say No To GMOs and the toxic chemicals that are in our food supply!
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270,000 Organic Famers Sue Monsanto

More than 270,000 organic farmers are taking on corporate agriculture giant Monsanto in a lawsuit filed March 30. Led by the Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association, the family farmers are fighting for the right to keep a portion of the world food supply organic — and preemptively protecting themselves from accusations of stealing genetically modified seeds that drift on to their pristine crop fields.
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The Symptoms of Chemtrail Spraying

Are you feeling “spaced out”, depressed, or having mood swings, or complete body pain, loose bowels or symptoms that never go away?! Well if you don’t know anything about Chemtrails please visit this link.. There are many debunkers out there but the compelling part about this conspiracy is after these lines appear in the sky; they turn into artificial clouds within a couple hours…(Weather Manipulation) We don’t know the full list of the chemicals that they use but I can tell you that this stuff is really toxic! Anyway here is the symptoms people reported after a nice Chemtrail shower…
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Fukushima is Still Leaking! And No One Cares….

I haven’t posted about Fukushima lately because I figured many people were following the updates I included on our discussion forum and from other sources.. But I found out that many people weren’t following the reports about Fukushima only because there is almost no coverage about this on the mainstream media! I don’t think people realize how deadly or toxic this radiation really is… I have done a couple posts about Japan, I reported that our food was going to be toxic on April 4, 2011.. I also included air-quality results for plutonium, which was found in cities across the globe… Read the rest of this entry

Mass Animal Deaths of 2011

This is a continuation of The Mass Animal Die-Offs of 2010

I included all of the 2010 occurrences in that post above and now in this post ill be including all of the 2011 deaths.. You can expect this post to be updated once more deaths are found! Something is going on and we are not getting any answers from our government! Could HAARP be causing these deaths? Is the earth going through some kind of drastic change? We might never know the true answer to this mysterious question! There is a lot of information out on Google and Youtube, please research into this conspiracy… Below I included a interactive map showing the location of all these deaths. Please tell your friends and family because who knows; humans could be the next species to drop dead! Here is the facts….
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Top 10 Most Extreme Substances

We know the world is filled with dangerous chemicals and products but do you know the top ten most extreme substances? Below is a great list of all the known chemicals that you could “run into” on a daily basis…
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