Blog Archives

Nuclear Terrorist Attacks on 9-11-11 ?

I recently came across this article on Coup-Media which talks about a potential nuclear terrorist attack on 9/11/2011. Now this website claims that they received highly credible information which points to a significant and imminent threat to the civilian population in at least five metropolitan cities within the next month.. The CIA and FBI are already working to prevent this upcoming disaster! The attack is a simultaneous detonation of five portable nuclear devices which are called Radiological Dispersion Devices (RDDs). The cities that are being targeted are Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Washington D.C and possible either Miami or Las Vegas.
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The Race to Witch Mountain: CIA & UFOs ?

I came across this PDF document on the 49th Parallel website which is entitled; A History of Government Management of UFO Perceptions through Film and Television by Robbie Graham of Bristol University and Matthew Alford from the University of Bath. It’s an interesting article about Disney’s involvement with the CIA about the publics perception of UFOs.
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The Government Want’s To Know Who You Are

Forget about your privacy! The government always wants to know what your doing and where your at… Welcome to the big brother society! We all know being anonymous on the internet is becoming almost impossible..Now every time you sign up for something they want your cell phone number! Not to mention your address, name, email and everything else about you. This is for the purpose of identifying people for government databases and law enforcement.. If you post almost anything that could be taken as a ‘threat’ it will be given to authorities and you will most likely be arrested under ‘terrorism’.. Much like the members of the group ‘Anonymous’ They aren’t really hacking the websites, they are just sending a lot of packets to the website and it crashed because of too much traffic. The good part is that they are going after corrupt organizations. I think the government using this excuse to ‘control the internet’. Below Ill include some information that shows that the government is trying to make everyone get a ‘internet license’ so you can be held accountable for copyright items and your ‘words’ online… I encourage everyone to never use their real name online unless you are ordering products. Read information below about Google and the government involvement of creating an ID for everyone everywhere, including public places! Big Brother is here and it’s way worse that you thought!
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Alex Jones + Infowars = Disinformation

Alex Jones On CIA Payroll?

Now if your in to conspiracy topics, you might of heard Alex Jones which runs and He covers a lot of different topics on this radio show but most of his theories are “out-there” and rarely shows any evidence… Remember this guy reads news straight from the mainstream media outlets! I mean Alex Jones should know everything that the mainstream media releases is a complete fabrication which is far from the truth… I’m not trying to bash anyone from this post, but I’m just providing you with information which “could” point to Alex Jones being a CoIntelPro.. He could be working to disinform the public or to start a fake “revolution” which could be a planned trap by the New World Order?! Read the rest of this entry