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270,000 Organic Famers Sue Monsanto

More than 270,000 organic farmers are taking on corporate agriculture giant Monsanto in a lawsuit filed March 30. Led by the Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association, the family farmers are fighting for the right to keep a portion of the world food supply organic — and preemptively protecting themselves from accusations of stealing genetically modified seeds that drift on to their pristine crop fields.
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ELF, GWEN Towers, and HAARP Connection.

Below is a great article that was written by Nicholas Jones.. His website was takendown down but Educate-Yourself has a copy of his work! Now this article talks about the connection between these top secret projects: ELF & GWEN Towers, Chemtrails and HAARP!
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The Symptoms of Chemtrail Spraying

Are you feeling “spaced out”, depressed, or having mood swings, or complete body pain, loose bowels or symptoms that never go away?! Well if you don’t know anything about Chemtrails please visit this link.. There are many debunkers out there but the compelling part about this conspiracy is after these lines appear in the sky; they turn into artificial clouds within a couple hours…(Weather Manipulation) We don’t know the full list of the chemicals that they use but I can tell you that this stuff is really toxic! Anyway here is the symptoms people reported after a nice Chemtrail shower…
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Chemtrails/Death-Dumps! Secret Govt Operation

Chemtrails have been a conspiracy for some time right now… They are REAL! I know for a fact! All you have to do is look in the sky on a clear day… You can see these airplanes that are way higher than commercial planes.. These planes have no markings and they go different ways than what the FAA dictates. So this is some type of military operation because they are spending a lot of money to do these “death dumps..” People also dismiss this theory by saying these Chemtrails are “Contrails” but that is false.. A Contrail is water vapor which DISSIPATES in the sky unlike Chemtrails which stay in the air for a good amount of time… Read the rest of this entry

Japan Radiation Is Making America Toxic…

Since the reactor at Fukushima has been spilling Radioactive since March 11, 2011 when a big Earthquake/Tsunami hit Japan.. The EPA has put up “real time” detectors to warn someone if the radiation gets to dangerous levels.. Well it will be too late if it gets that bad so we have to be scared even if a little of radiation makes it way to the United States. The EPA covered up the BP Oil Spill, so what do you expect with this disaster? In Japan they also said they saw HAARP “clouds” and they look VERY unnatural and also the use of Chemtrails has been upped by our shadow Government… So be prepared to breathe in toxic air, eat toxic food and now our world will be filled with toxic cancer causing chemicals.. 9/11/01 + 3/10/11 = 2012 Will the end of the world happen soon? Or is it another hoax. I guess well find out!
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