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The Great Flood of 2011

If you haven’t heard anything about the flooding in the Central U.S; it’s because the Mainstream Media has been ‘blacked-out’ by our Government..The flooding is only going to get worse and it’s starting to look like the map that the NOAA put out a couple years ago… Weird! This story is still developing and we will add more information as it comes available! For Now: Read The Information And Watch The Videos Below.. Something is up…
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Water Fluoridation Doesn’t Fight Cavities

Water Fluoridation Doesn’t Fight Cavities! Neither does it protect our teeth.. In-fact it’s mostly pharmaceutical waste which is turned into this magical drug called Fluoride… There is Fluoride in our toothpaste and there is warnings on the label not to ingest it.. We also know that many foods already have Fluoride in them, ill include the document below.. Here is some undeniable evidence that our government is trying to make us submissive by using this drug in our water supply and other products.
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Our Food & Water Is Toxic! Radiation Poisoning

I’m not sure if you have been following all the news updates about Japan and the NUCLEAR DISASTER which is happening right now! There is Nuclear Waste which is being poured into the Pacific Ocean as we speak and it will continue unless we cover this failing plant with cement… China has been the only nation which has raised complete concern about this disaster. While the USA and other countries have played it off like nothing is happening.. The radiation fall-out has made it’s way all across the world now. We are all breathing in this toxic stuff right now! In California they were told not to eat strawberries, lettuce, mushrooms (Well Pretty Much Anything) and not to drink rainwater (Soon to be Tap-Water.) The EPA and the US Government are not raising any concerns about this disaster, it’s hundred times worse than the BP Oil Spill and much more toxic!
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