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Toxic Sludge Is Good For You! The PR Industry Unspun

While advertising is the visible component of the corporate system, perhaps even more important and pervasive is its invisible partner, the public relations industry. This video illuminates this hidden sphere of our culture and examines the way in which the management of “the public mind” has become central to how our democracy is controlled by political and economic elites. Toxic Sludge Is Good For You illustrates how much of what we think of as independent, unbiased news and information has its origins in the boardrooms of the public relations companies.
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The Top Ten Signs That You Might Be A Zombie

By Mike Adams

Sign #1: If you routinely take flu shot vaccines and then wonder why you still catch the flu every winter, you might be a zombie

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Is Gaddafi Still Alive? Did They Kill His Decoy?

(First off: I take everything with a grain of salt..) I’m not saying he is dead or alive, I’m not sure what to think of the conflicting stories about Gaddafi’s death.. I knew this day would come eventually, but the sad thing about his death is that Libya will never be the same! Here is some interesting facts about Libya and what Gaddafi has done for his people: Free Healthcare, Homes are considered a basic human-right! Also newly married couples get $50,000 for a new house.. This might be the best thing of all; loans have 0% interest by law! Back in 1951, Libya was the poorest country in the world and had the highest standard of living in Africa! So why did people want him out of office? Read the rest of this entry

They Want Us Dead! – Red Level Alert America

(Miss American for FederalJack) –  While we are all focusing on the coming financial collapse, as bad as that is something much more sinister is in the works.  It’s very subtle if you are not paying attention.  But, to the aware, it’s blatant, insidious, and just as horrific as Hitler’s Germany.
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Top 10 Most Censored Stories of 2011

Rady Ananda, Contributing Writer
Activist Post

For the past 35 years, Project Censored has published an annual collection of the top 25 censored news stories. In the 2012 book edition, just released this September, my article, Atmospheric Geoengineering: Weather Manipulation, Contrails and Chemtrails, ranks as the 9th most censored story in the United States.
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What Hit The Pentagon On 9/11? A Missile or a Plane?

Recently @EZKPatriots on Twitter, Sent me an interesting video which might give evidence on what hit the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. This video has some old and new footage pieced together that states a cruise missile was shot at the Pentagon that day, not an airplane! Many websites, including and completely disprove this theory of a missile hitting the pentagon! These websites claim that there is not sufficient evidence to prove this theory… Well the last time I checked, there isn’t enough evidence to prove or disprove the whole entire 9/11 ‘inside job’ theory! Well here is the video that is said to have new evidence about what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11:
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Microwave Ovens Are Dangerous!

Did you know that almost every household in America owns a Microwave Oven.. Most people are familiar with ‘nuking’ their frozen food, but is it actually good for you? Of-Course Not! But most people don’t even think about the dangerous effects of this very convenient piece of technology. What ever you do; don’t microwave anything plastic or metal! Below I included a lot of good information which suggests that you should throw out your microwave oven and start eating healthy because it’s only killing you!
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14 Conspiracies That The Media Now Admits Are Facts

How many times have you heard people claim certain facts are just conspiracy theories? It’s the easiest way to dismiss information and deem people as ‘nut-cases’. Most of the time the ‘conspiracy theorist’ are right and the mainstream media is completely wrong! The media is not doing their job in investigating the real issues of our society and government… In today’s world where everything is a lie it’s very difficult to find the actual truth! Here are 14 conspiracy theories that the media now admits are facts:
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10 Years Later: Still Conspiracies

September 11th is tomorrow and most of the news stations have already started covering the ‘tragic and emotional’ event. But first they wanted to remind you that terrorism is still real by placing this thought into your mind: “Al-Qaeda Has Planned A Terrorist Attack For The Anniversary of 9/11” but it’s only a reason to spread fear and panic among the people who still believe in the official story. Now I don’t know if you believe in this fictional story or what but I can tell you that there has been a lot of evidence that has been removed from the 9/11 Commission Report. Why would they leave out testimonies of actual people? It’s because their story differs from the official story from the U.S Government. Read the rest of this entry

Libya Unrest: Disinformation

The recent civil-unrest in Libya has made me follow the news reports and I can tell you that it seems nothing but a complete fabrication.. I recently posted this post, which explains the accomplishments of Gaddafi. Our government/media is making people think that he is some type of evil dictator but that is completely wrong! He has done a lot of things for his people and the Rebels who want him out have no idea about the history of their own country!
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Please Wake Up America and Tell Your Friends!

We all know that America is on the wrong track.. You should already know that our Government doesn’t care about you! We are loosing more freedoms everyday and it’s only going to get worse.. Maybe if Ron Paul becomes the President in 2012, everything could do a entire 180. I know ill be voting for him because he is the only one that supports the citizens and their rights! Below is just a simple list of the problems that came to my head.. Stand up against the powers that deprive you of a simple and happy life!! We as Americans are getting pissed and we can’t take this way of life much longer! 10 Things That Came To My Mind In 10 Seconds:
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4 Recent Scientific Blows to the Global Warming Theory

Activist Post

The science behind the anthropogenic global warming theory appears to be falling apart with each new scientific study. Global warming, now often referred to as “climate change,” is still reported as fact in every establishment publication despite increasing evidence to the contrary. It’s difficult to argue that the climate is not shifting in some noticeable way, yet recent reports clearly show that the science is not as settled as some global warming advocates would suggest.
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SPIN: Everything On TV Is Staged!

I recently came cross the old documentary called Spin; (1995) it’s about pirated satellite feeds revealing the U.S. media personalities’. TV out-takes appropriated from network satellite feeds unravel the tightly spun fabric of television, a system which silences public debates and furthers the intolerance of anyone outside the pack of journalists, politicians, spin doctors and televangelists who manufacture the news! In basic terms; It’s about the conspiracy to fabricate the news. Mainstream media spreads false information and creates enemies & stars… Even drawing more attention away from the real problems of our country.. Below is a short transcript of the movie.. Read the rest of this entry

Alex Jones: A Professional Actor?

Most of you know about Alex Jones and his crazy ‘rants’.. Well I came across this video on his YouTube channel called Black Slag.. I mean this video shows how fake Alex Jones really is..
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Computer Expert: Obama’s Birth Certificate is a Phony

Well here is the Proof! I knew it was a fake; but a nationally known computer expert who is a contributing author and technical editor for Adobe and Microsoft. She has finally proved that the ‘long-form’ birth certificate released by the White House is a fraudulent document which was created in Photoshop! It was only a matter of time before a computer expert came-out and exposed the truth.. Did the White House think that no one would catch this lie? I have done two posts on this subject HERE and HERE. Here is the new information…
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