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Toxic Sludge Is Good For You! The PR Industry Unspun

While advertising is the visible component of the corporate system, perhaps even more important and pervasive is its invisible partner, the public relations industry. This video illuminates this hidden sphere of our culture and examines the way in which the management of “the public mind” has become central to how our democracy is controlled by political and economic elites. Toxic Sludge Is Good For You illustrates how much of what we think of as independent, unbiased news and information has its origins in the boardrooms of the public relations companies.
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Top 10 Most Censored Stories of 2011

Rady Ananda, Contributing Writer
Activist Post

For the past 35 years, Project Censored has published an annual collection of the top 25 censored news stories. In the 2012 book edition, just released this September, my article, Atmospheric Geoengineering: Weather Manipulation, Contrails and Chemtrails, ranks as the 9th most censored story in the United States.
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14 Conspiracies That The Media Now Admits Are Facts

How many times have you heard people claim certain facts are just conspiracy theories? It’s the easiest way to dismiss information and deem people as ‘nut-cases’. Most of the time the ‘conspiracy theorist’ are right and the mainstream media is completely wrong! The media is not doing their job in investigating the real issues of our society and government… In today’s world where everything is a lie it’s very difficult to find the actual truth! Here are 14 conspiracy theories that the media now admits are facts:
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Libya Unrest: Disinformation

The recent civil-unrest in Libya has made me follow the news reports and I can tell you that it seems nothing but a complete fabrication.. I recently posted this post, which explains the accomplishments of Gaddafi. Our government/media is making people think that he is some type of evil dictator but that is completely wrong! He has done a lot of things for his people and the Rebels who want him out have no idea about the history of their own country!
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SPIN: Everything On TV Is Staged!

I recently came cross the old documentary called Spin; (1995) it’s about pirated satellite feeds revealing the U.S. media personalities’. TV out-takes appropriated from network satellite feeds unravel the tightly spun fabric of television, a system which silences public debates and furthers the intolerance of anyone outside the pack of journalists, politicians, spin doctors and televangelists who manufacture the news! In basic terms; It’s about the conspiracy to fabricate the news. Mainstream media spreads false information and creates enemies & stars… Even drawing more attention away from the real problems of our country.. Below is a short transcript of the movie.. Read the rest of this entry

The Michael Jackson Conspiracy

I know this this old news but I thought Michael Jackson deserves some truth.. This conspiracy is so extensive, it’s nothing but a ‘fairy tale’ which has been fabricated by the Mainstream Media.. It’s filled with dead-ends, I have been searching all across the web and I included a lot of different links and videos at the end of the post which can be very helpful in researching about this conspiracy. I think MJ was killed! Or he could still be alive? Below is a complete list of all the facts that just don’t add up:
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Disinformation & Propaganda…

Disinformation is a relatively a new method within the Government and the Mainstream Media… The elites and our government has gotten ‘better’ at creating a fake reality for those watching the TV. The control of information is easily controlled by using different methods and sources.. Even when the Bible was being created; some of the information was withheld.. So what does all this mean? ‘Someone’ is going spending a lot of time and money to keep you from knowing the truth.. Now why would they do that?! Well the less you know; the better.. Think about it, if you knew everything that our corrupt government did you would become angry and demand for change.. It all started with the Democratic Republic of America; a country based on lies!
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Who Owns The Mainstream Media?

We all know that the mainstream media is nothing more than a propaganda tool used by the global elite to control the thoughts and perceptions of the citizens.. Their goal is to keep you from the truth! Below I included the Big Six, which refers to these government controlled media sources.. These are just not news channels but all the Movies, TV Shows, Newspapers and Magazines that you read! They control everything! Read more below…..
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