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DICK ACT of 1902… Can’t Be Repealed

The Dick Act of 1902 also known as the Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654, of June 28, 1902 invalidates all so-called gun-control laws. It also divides the militia into three distinct and separate entities.
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I Visited A FEMA Facility Today

Today my sister and I went to Wyoming to deal with some personal matters, and heading south brings us straight through “Hardin, MT”. On the way home at about 6:30pm I asked my sister if she wouldn’t mind stopping in Hardin because i wanted to see if i could find this Facility that was talked about by Alex Jones.
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WARNING – Martial Law 2011?

The list below was taken from Michael Herzong Who Runs The American Awakening Show.. He has predicted the economic crash of 2008 and he has predicted the current collapse of the U.S government finances and now he has predicted ‘Martial Law’ within the United States within the next couple months! So is this a big hoax? Or is something going to happen very soon? Here is some of our own posts that back up this Martial Law theory: The Recent Sightings of Huge Military Train Convoys, Recent Sightings of Black Helicopters and the Sightings of Military Vehicles within the United States.. Read the rest of this entry

6 Weapons The Police And Military Will Be Using Against You!

The below list explains the future of the police state in America.. The police and the military are always getting new weapons! It turns out that these new weapons will be more dangerous to your safety than ever before… Prepare for a quick death when they retaliate against your freedom to protest! Read about the interesting weapons below.. BTW: The government is scared of you having weapons..
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Concentration Camp Plans For U.S. Citizens

Introduction: Civil Action Number 76-H-667

This is William R. Pabst. My address is 1434 West Alabama Street, Houston, Texas, 77006. My telephone number is area code 713 521-9896. This is my 1979 updated report on the concentration camp program of the Department of Defense of the United States.

On April 20, 1976, after a rapid and thorough investigation, I filed suit on behalf of the People of the United States against various personages that had a key part in a conspiratorial program to do away with the United States as we know it. This is a progress report to you, the plaintiffs, the People of the United States. The civil action number is 76-H-667. It is entitled, “Complaint Against the Concentration Camp Program of the Dept. of Defense”. It was filed in the U.S. District Court for the southern district of Texas, Houston division. The judge responsible for the case was Judge Carl Beau.
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Lots of Military Trucks In America!?

Well today I got a interesting picture tweeted to me from @ihatematt he is always a great source of information.. Follow him if you haven’t already.. But anyway here is the photo that he took today in Poughkeepsie, NY. .
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U.S. Concentration Camps Exist!!

Concentration Camps Exist! This is connected with the New World Order and Martial Law.. We don’t know if there is already people in these camps or when there will be; but I can tell you that these things are real and exist in almost every state.. The Military has clever ways of hiding these things by using the landscape against people. For example: They will clear out an area that is not visible from the road and create a new “neighborhood” so to speak and make people believe that it’s a new school for the town.. This is how one of the camps is by my house; it’s a school with big gates?! You will be surprised if you read all the information that I’m about to give you!
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DHS: You Might Be A Domestic Terrorist If…

The Department of Homeland Security has put out a new list of possible suspicious activities that would “profile” you as a suspected terrorist… People engaged in the below activities or mind-set may be considered “extremists” or “militia groups” that exist in our communities and are “hiding in plain sight, and ready to attack.” Soon they will be creating this new “enemy” to the American people in Walmart’s, on TVs and Billboards across the nation. Just like what they did during 9/11 to the Muslims… They will attempt to make these activist look more sinister than they really are. All we want is some true Freedom that we are “promised” by the Constitution… Stop flexing the big government and police state muscle… Our rights have been violated and it’s only going to get worse… You will have a complete authoritarian society by 2012 if we don’t put our foot down. So read the list below and think about it! Read the rest of this entry

Experiments Conducted By U.S Government

One of the most well known experiments was the Stanford prison experiment. “They” got a group of people and made some of them prisoners and some of them prison guards. They put them in a completely isolated “jail” with no way out. They claim that they wont get paid any money if they conduct any violence.. There are jail rules and many other things to insure that the prisoners or the guards are not “faking” any part of the experiment. There is a red light which if that comes on the experiment is over and they are told that you wont get paid.. They were only addressed by their “number” had to follow all rules and the guards had to be strict. The scientist conducted interviews prior to this experiment. He took many different types of people and used some as guards and some as prisoners. They had many different kind of views such in god or not believing in anything and even ex-convicts…
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