Blog Archives

Federal Reserve Propaganda From The 1920’s

Over the years, the Federal Reserve System has used many methods to communicate about the role it plays in support of stable prices, full employment, and financial stability. Current communication tools include the new press conferences by the Chairman, speeches by Bank presidents, public websites, economic education programs, local outreach efforts, and publications.
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7 U.S. Cities On The Verge Of Bankruptcy

By Mike Tirone

The harsh economic climate is changing. The time has come when citizens and companies aren’t the only ones being forced to file for bankruptcy… Major cities are among the ranks of those in dire straits. On Wednesday, Pennsylvania’s capital city Harrisburg opted for the rarely used Chapter 9 of the U.S. bankruptcy code.
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Canada’s Experiment: A Town With Guaranteed Income

The Dominion

Try to imagine a town where the government paid each of the residents a living income, regardless of who they were and what they did, and a Soviet hamlet in the early 1980s may come to mind.
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Utah Monetary Declaration – Breaking Away From The Feds

As you may know, the state of Utah passed a Legal Tender Act earlier this year authorizing the use of federally minted gold and silver coins as money in the state of Utah. Now, legislators in other states, many of whom attended the Monetary Summit, are evaluating similar legislation.
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Very Important #OccupyWallStreet News

I have came across some very interesting and very important information for citizens that are following or want to known about the recent Occupy Wall Street protest in New York City.. The below information is breaking news!! If you don’t know anything about the protest, please research online before you begin to judge these protesters. I have seen many status updates siding with the police officers, now i’m sorry but that is just being a good brainwashed citizen! We all need to come together and stand up for whats right.. We need a economy and a government that helps the citizens who work their asses off! Many people are out of jobs and houses, but no one seems to care about that.. Anonymous is leading the way to a peaceful protest which will only help the citizens in this upcoming revolution! Read the rest of this entry

Europe Stunned After Being Told “Obama Is Not In Charge”

By: Sorcha Faal
A new report prepared by Russian Deputy Finance Minister Tatyana Nesterenko about the Eurogroup meeting of the Informal Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) in Wroclaw Poland on the growing European debt crisis states that EU Finance Ministers were “left stunned”Friday after they were told by US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner that President Obama was “not in charge.”
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Home Built Out of Two Shipping Containers

We all know the economy is in bad shape, foreclosures everywhere, people with no jobs and the bad part of all of this; is that it’s only going to get worse! Now Here is the home that was built out of two shipping containers.. It was cheap, eco-friendly and very efficient to build.. This is a pretty cool idea, I wouldn’t mind making a shed in by backyard using this method. So here is the start to finish in photos:
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Occupy Wall Street: Media Censorship

Occupy Wall Street ‘protest’ has started and it’s going well.. Thousands of people have showed up in New York City and have been occupying all day. This protest will continue for the next couple months! The police are allowing people to set up tents and so on.. The NYPD has sent hundreds of police officers to monitor the event, Wall Street has been completely blocked off and even the bull statue has been barricaded by dozens of police officers!
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25 Signs That The Financial World Is Panicking

We all know our government is preparing for a major economic collapse and our banks are only making the problem worse! It’s funny how you give the banks your money and they charge you for their services and they make money off of you! What’s wrong with that picture? Forget about the dollar; here are 25 signs that show the financial world is about to hit the big red panic button:
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Please Wake Up America and Tell Your Friends!

We all know that America is on the wrong track.. You should already know that our Government doesn’t care about you! We are loosing more freedoms everyday and it’s only going to get worse.. Maybe if Ron Paul becomes the President in 2012, everything could do a entire 180. I know ill be voting for him because he is the only one that supports the citizens and their rights! Below is just a simple list of the problems that came to my head.. Stand up against the powers that deprive you of a simple and happy life!! We as Americans are getting pissed and we can’t take this way of life much longer! 10 Things That Came To My Mind In 10 Seconds:
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4 Old Cartoons That Explain The World..

We all know the problems of our country.. The Political Parties, The Federal Reserve, The Economy and the Global Elite which controls the world.. But the interesting thing is that these same problems still exist.. Below are four old cartoons that explain the method to the madness! America is only cycling through the same issues and we never fix it completely..Thats why we are always in the same situations but the only difference is the date, See for yourself:
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The Death Of The Middle Class

We all know that the ‘recession’ was nothing but a diversion to give the government more time before the ‘real’ collapse happened.. Our government has piled up so much it’s insane! They are systematically trying to wipe out the middle-class in America.. It’s only going to be the super rich and the super poor.. We can already see that happening, lots of foreclosures, not enough jobs to go around and the death of the Dollar.. Below is a list of 40 facts that prove the ‘working-class’ is being systematically wiped out as we speak…
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The Bilderberg Discussion Leaked Via Moles Inside

The Bilderberg Group has been always mysterious…Until Now! The 2011 discussion has been leaked by a Inside Mole.. There is a lot of information below about the future of our global economy and the ‘New World Order’ This transcript was posted by Daniel Estulin of; via Domas Jefferson.. Everyone needs to know the truth! Please do more research if your not familiar with the members of the Bilderberg group or what their agenda is.. Trust me; It doesn’t seem like they want to help the people!
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7 Reasons Why America Needs A ‘Good Depression’ Now..

Or Face A ‘Great Depression’ Later

The writers at Market-Watch are extremely wrong when it comes to this ‘Good Depression’.. We already experienced a Recession and they state we need to experience a “Good Depression” now before it can get any better.. How about no depression!! But don’t forget we have to pay interest on every dollar that is borrowed.. Our government never disclosed who the recipients of the Bail-Out money was.. Read the rest of this entry

15 Facts About The Wealth And Inequality In America

The gap between the top 1% and everyone else hasn’t been this bad since the Roaring Twenties

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