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A Message To All Cops

1. When ten of you show up to make one arrest, it makes you look like cowards.

On my way home from a bike ride a few weeks ago, I saw three arrests being made in under an hour in a relatively safe part of the city. At one of the incidents, eight police cruisers responded to make one arrest. The guy who was arrested was ejected for being too drunk in a bar. Just one guy, and he was drunk. He had a stupid moustache, hadn’t hurt anyone and was drunkenly walking home when he was tased and tackled by 3 cops before 6 police cruisers showed up in addition to the two that were there, for a total of 8 cruisers and 10 cops. The man was unarmed.
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Police Are Now Downloading Your Information…

Have you ever drove by someone who was talking on the cell phone while driving? I know every time I look to the car next to me, the person is either texting or having a conversation with someone… Many states have banned talking on the cell phones, but people still continue to violate this law.. I barley talk on the cell phone while driving because everyone can’t drive as it is so why would I risk getting into an accident? I have heard a few stories where the cop pulls over someone for talking on the cell phone but really they weren’t.. (Heard it on the radio and happened to one of my friends) Lucky their cell phone was in the trunk… I don’t understand the discretion of this law.. It’s just another law to make it “easier” for police to pull over anyone they want to..
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Police & Courts Are Unconstitutional

Today I was on my way home and the police department was setting up a Police Checkpoint right in the middle of rush hour on a busy street. The cops are so corrupt they put it in a position where you can’t make any turns before it’s too late and they also have the two different police forces covering each side. These checkpoints are unconstitutional, Why are they doing them in the day-time. I always thought the excuse was that they needed to catch drunk drivers, well not in the morning. Are they looking for someone? Or are they trying to boost revenue to justify their jobs?
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