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Contagion: A Future Plan For A Deadly Pandemic?

Today I turned on the TV and Dr. Oz was talking the new movie Contagion with the director of the CDC and the director of the movie. (Steven Soderbergh) The director was very scared about this ‘infectious disease’, I found this weird since this is only a movie.. Right? Now what I don’t understand is why would the director of the CDC (Thomas R. Frieden) be on the Dr. Oz show talking about this ‘fictional’ movie? Unless they are trying to prepare people for the future; as we know and have seen before.. Read the rest of this entry

The All Seeing Eye is Everywhere!

The Eye of Providence (or the All-Seeing Eye of God) is a symbol showing an eye often surrounded by rays of light or a glory and usually enclosed by a triangle. It is sometimes interpreted as representing the eye of God watching over humankind (or a higher force which controls the government.)
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TV and Movies Predict the Future

When a movie depicts the future will it become reality? It seems that if anything is featured in a movie or on the TV it will become reality within the year. Same with weapons, ideas, the upcoming events in the near future.. As for example before 9/11 there was many shows and move that have “predicted” planes crashing into the world trade center. I’m not making this stuff up; I’ll be posting a video with all the different shows that aired 9/11 scenarios CREATING the REALITY for the upcoming year..
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