Category Archives: Weather Manipulation

The East Coast Disaster – A Earthquake & Now A Hurricane?

This is breaking news: Hurricane Irene will hit the east coast starting on Saturday.. People are already evacuating from orders of the National Guard. The highways are jammed, the stores are bare and people are scared! Not to mention we had the Earthquake a couple days ago which started in Virginia and was felt in New Jersey, New York, and even Canada! I have been preparing for this Hurricane; That’s why I haven’t been posting as much as I usually do. (Sorry) But I decided to do a quick post about this east coast disaster including the Earthquake to get the facts across.. Something seems weird about these disasters; could ELENIN be getting closer to earth? Or does HAARP have something to do with this? Could the recent sightings of huge Chemtrails also have a role in creating this disaster? I don’t know but I’m going to include some research below and if you have family or if your on the East Coast; please prepare!!
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4 Recent Scientific Blows to the Global Warming Theory

Activist Post

The science behind the anthropogenic global warming theory appears to be falling apart with each new scientific study. Global warming, now often referred to as “climate change,” is still reported as fact in every establishment publication despite increasing evidence to the contrary. It’s difficult to argue that the climate is not shifting in some noticeable way, yet recent reports clearly show that the science is not as settled as some global warming advocates would suggest.
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HAARP Signals Off The Charts!! New Madrid Quake Imminent???

Lately there has been a lot of talk about the New Madrid Area… Not to mention that the flooding that is happening right now but about a possible earthquake which will be caused by HAARP.. In this post we will include numerous links and videos point to a possible disaster in this area… Here is some background information about the New Madrid Fault Line: it’s a major seismic zone and was responsible for the 1811–1812 New Madrid earthquakes and may have the potential to produce large earthquakes in the future. Earthquakes that occur in the New Madrid Seismic Zone potentially threaten parts of seven American states: Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi.
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The Upcoming Nuclear Disaster.. FEMA Evacuations! It’s Only Getting Worse!

This is breaking news people! I posted yesterday about the Great Flood of 2011.. That was only little of background information and pictures of the damage! The thing about this recent disaster is that the mainstream media has been blacked-out by the government.. That means nothing is really being reported besides that there is some ‘high’ floods in the area.. They don’t mention anything about the Nuclear Power Plants really.. The one is still running and they know that it will also flood near them and they are still letting it run?! That sounds like a planned nuclear disaster way worse than Fukushima! So what is our government doing to protect the plant.. We they put up AquaDam which is like a floating barrier that protects the plant from flood waters.. Sounds great right? Well the bad thing is that it’s a pretty small barrier.. Read the rest of this entry

The Great Flood of 2011

If you haven’t heard anything about the flooding in the Central U.S; it’s because the Mainstream Media has been ‘blacked-out’ by our Government..The flooding is only going to get worse and it’s starting to look like the map that the NOAA put out a couple years ago… Weird! This story is still developing and we will add more information as it comes available! For Now: Read The Information And Watch The Videos Below.. Something is up…
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The Next UPCOMING Disaster….

We all know something is about to happen in the United States and across the globe… Lately the weather has been awful crazy…. It rains in my state about 4 days out of the week. It never use to rain this much, and their has been a lot of flooding and it’s only gotten worse over the last year. The weather has been crazy everywhere in the United States.. It’s still not warm outside and its almost May.. It skips over seasons, Now it’s only Winter and Summer… Natural Disasters have been happening like every month.. This past winter we had record snow falls, but the worst thing that happened in 2011 was the Japan Earthquake/Tsunami and the Nuclear Melt-Down which is still leaking today… It seems like the mainstream media gets “distracted” from every disaster… It’s because they want to draw you attention away from one thing by telling you something else happened…
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Chemtrails/Death-Dumps! Secret Govt Operation

Chemtrails have been a conspiracy for some time right now… They are REAL! I know for a fact! All you have to do is look in the sky on a clear day… You can see these airplanes that are way higher than commercial planes.. These planes have no markings and they go different ways than what the FAA dictates. So this is some type of military operation because they are spending a lot of money to do these “death dumps..” People also dismiss this theory by saying these Chemtrails are “Contrails” but that is false.. A Contrail is water vapor which DISSIPATES in the sky unlike Chemtrails which stay in the air for a good amount of time… Read the rest of this entry