Monthly Archives: August 2011

How “They” Control Us – Warnings of the Abductees

Many of you who have been following this article know that this website has been talking to a group of real time abductees. During the conversations the group has discussed many issues that they feel are important. Many warnings were issued to mankind from this group of abductees.
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The Untold Story of Lyme Disease

Lyme disease, or Lyme borreliosis, is an emerging infectious disease caused by at least three species of bacteria belonging to the genus Borrelia. Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto is the main cause of Lyme disease in the United States, whereas Borrelia afzelii and Borrelia garinii cause most European cases. The disease is named after the town of Lyme, Connecticut, USA; where a number of cases were identified in 1975. Although Allen Steere realized Lyme disease was a tick-borne disease in 1978, the cause of the disease remained a mystery until 1981, when B. burgdorferi was identified by Willy Burgdorfer.
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10 Shocking Verses From The Bible

10. 2 Kings 2:23-24 NKJV

Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up the road, some youths came from the city and mocked him, and said to him, “Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!” So he turned around and looked at them, and pronounced a curse on them in the name of the LORD. And two female bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the youths.

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Please Wake Up America and Tell Your Friends!

We all know that America is on the wrong track.. You should already know that our Government doesn’t care about you! We are loosing more freedoms everyday and it’s only going to get worse.. Maybe if Ron Paul becomes the President in 2012, everything could do a entire 180. I know ill be voting for him because he is the only one that supports the citizens and their rights! Below is just a simple list of the problems that came to my head.. Stand up against the powers that deprive you of a simple and happy life!! We as Americans are getting pissed and we can’t take this way of life much longer! 10 Things That Came To My Mind In 10 Seconds:
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The East Coast Disaster – A Earthquake & Now A Hurricane?

This is breaking news: Hurricane Irene will hit the east coast starting on Saturday.. People are already evacuating from orders of the National Guard. The highways are jammed, the stores are bare and people are scared! Not to mention we had the Earthquake a couple days ago which started in Virginia and was felt in New Jersey, New York, and even Canada! I have been preparing for this Hurricane; That’s why I haven’t been posting as much as I usually do. (Sorry) But I decided to do a quick post about this east coast disaster including the Earthquake to get the facts across.. Something seems weird about these disasters; could ELENIN be getting closer to earth? Or does HAARP have something to do with this? Could the recent sightings of huge Chemtrails also have a role in creating this disaster? I don’t know but I’m going to include some research below and if you have family or if your on the East Coast; please prepare!!
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Gaddafi Is Not Bad As Our Government Wants You To Think…

Watch This Video First

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4 Recent Scientific Blows to the Global Warming Theory

Activist Post

The science behind the anthropogenic global warming theory appears to be falling apart with each new scientific study. Global warming, now often referred to as “climate change,” is still reported as fact in every establishment publication despite increasing evidence to the contrary. It’s difficult to argue that the climate is not shifting in some noticeable way, yet recent reports clearly show that the science is not as settled as some global warming advocates would suggest.
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The Story Of The Anunnaki People..

So Who are the Anunnaki? Are they aliens? Or are they part of a bigger picture? The Anunnaki have been made popular by a economist named Zecharia Sitchin. He is the author of several best-selling books, including the Genesis Revisited, which explored the ancient mythology and the mysterious megalithic ruins that have been found across the globe. His books claim that there was an extraterrestrial race in ancient times that genetically manipulated mankind for unknown reasons. This Sitchin Theory (Sitchinsim) has been adopted by many writers. This theory states that these Sumero-Babylonian gods are from the twelfth planet called Nibiru, which passes earth every 3,500 years or so and they will return once again..
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Unauthorized Pictures Of Fukushima

We all know that the media and government have been ignoring the facts that the Fukushima nuclear plant is still releasing toxic fumes into the air. The last couple months there has been a complete silence about the progress of the plant’s repair. Below are some photos that were taken by Kazuma Obara, who is a photographer in Japan. The radiation has spread all across the world and people are just starting to feel the effects. Enjoy the pictures and the article below:
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Buying Survival Gear? You Might Be A Terrorist!

The Denver FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force is handing out the above flyer to Military Surplus Stores in Colorado and mostly likely across the United States! Now it includes the purchase of popular preparedness items and firearm accessories. Now it states that the store owners should ‘report’ these ‘suspicious’ people and that they could be potential terrorists. Store owners should keep records and report people who buy these items:
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Time Slips / Time Travel

A time slip is an alleged paranormal phenomenon in which a person, or group of people, travel through time through supernatural (rather than technological) means. As with all paranormal phenomena, the objective reality of such experiences is disputed.
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10 Biggest Unsolved UFO Stories

The UFO phenomenon has fascinated me for a long time now.. I always wondered if there were actual aliens within those ‘saucers’.. I know our government will be disclosing the truth about these marvelious devices within the next couple years! But for now; this mystery still lingers within our minds.. Below I included the 10 biggest unsolved UFO stories ever..
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Toxins From G.M Plants Found in Women and Fetuses

When the U.S government approved Monsanto’s genetically modified ‘BT’ corn, they knew it would add a deadly poison into our food supply! The corn’s DNA is fitted with a gene from bacteria called Bacillus Thuringiensis that produces this BT-Toxin.. It’s basically a pesticide, which breaks open the stomach of insects and kills them! But Monsanto and the EPA said that this toxin would only affect insects.. They claimed that it wouldn’t hurt the human digestive system… Now don’t forget that most of the corn in the United States is genetically modified!
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10 Symbols That Rule The World

Symbols are all around us and they all have secret meanings. Below is a list of 10 symbols that rule the world without you even knowing it! Find Out What They Mean:
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School Lunches Around The World

You are what you eat. In some countries kids are fed with really delicious food, in some – with food rich in nutrients and vitamins, while in others kids do not get enough vitamins from food at all. I’d pick Asia for my kids.
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