Blog Archives

The Real Reason For Rollout Of HDTV

Did you ever hear of the expression if it’s to good to be true then it probably is .This is a good example here. Wow that was nice of our Government to help people get HD TV boxes with the vouchers they gave out..They would lose sleep at night if your TV picture wasn’t crystal clear.They care so much because it’s very important to them.
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Top 10 Most Censored Stories of 2011

Rady Ananda, Contributing Writer
Activist Post

For the past 35 years, Project Censored has published an annual collection of the top 25 censored news stories. In the 2012 book edition, just released this September, my article, Atmospheric Geoengineering: Weather Manipulation, Contrails and Chemtrails, ranks as the 9th most censored story in the United States.
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The Secret Cabal of The United States

David Rockefeller, the founder and honorary Chairman of the Trilateral Commission, has written, “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” Read the rest of this entry

Different Subliminal Techniques

Subliminal perception is a deliberate process created by communication technicians, whereby you receive and respond to information and instructions without being aware of it. Messages in the form of printed words, pictures or voices presented either very rapidly or very obscurely bypass your conscious awareness. Anything consciously perceived can be evaluated, criticized, discussed, argued, and possibly rejected. Anything programmed subliminally to your subconsciousness meets no resistance. This subliminal information is stored in your brain and capable of influencing your judgment, behavior and attitudes.
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Dr. Robert J. Lifton’s Criteria for Thought Reform

Any ideology — that is, any set of emotionally-charged convictions about men and his relationship to the natural or supernatural world — may be carried by its adherents in a totalistic direction. But this is most likely to occur with those ideologies which are most sweeping in their content and most ambitious or messianic in their claim, whether a religious or political organization. And where totalism exists, a religion, or a political movement becomes little more than an exclusive cult.
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Libya Unrest: Disinformation

The recent civil-unrest in Libya has made me follow the news reports and I can tell you that it seems nothing but a complete fabrication.. I recently posted this post, which explains the accomplishments of Gaddafi. Our government/media is making people think that he is some type of evil dictator but that is completely wrong! He has done a lot of things for his people and the Rebels who want him out have no idea about the history of their own country!
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How “They” Control Us – Warnings of the Abductees

Many of you who have been following this article know that this website has been talking to a group of real time abductees. During the conversations the group has discussed many issues that they feel are important. Many warnings were issued to mankind from this group of abductees.
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Please Wake Up America and Tell Your Friends!

We all know that America is on the wrong track.. You should already know that our Government doesn’t care about you! We are loosing more freedoms everyday and it’s only going to get worse.. Maybe if Ron Paul becomes the President in 2012, everything could do a entire 180. I know ill be voting for him because he is the only one that supports the citizens and their rights! Below is just a simple list of the problems that came to my head.. Stand up against the powers that deprive you of a simple and happy life!! We as Americans are getting pissed and we can’t take this way of life much longer! 10 Things That Came To My Mind In 10 Seconds:
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The Story Of Your Enslavement

This is the story of your Enslavement.. How it came to be and how you can finally be free! Like all animals, human beings want to dominate and exploite the resources around them. At first we mostly hunted, fished and ate off the land. But then something magical and terrible happened to our minds. We became alone among the animals; afraid of DEATH. This was the start to a great tragedy and even greater possibility. See when we become afraid of death, of injury and imprisonment. We become CONTROLABLE and so valuable, in a way that no other resource ever could be! The greatest resource for any human being to control is not natural resources, tools, animals or land.. But other human beings! You can frighten a animal, because animals are afraid of pain in the moment. But you can not frighten an animal with a loss of liberty, with torture or imprisonment in the future. That’s because animals have a little of sense of tomorrow. You can not threaten a cow with torture, or a sheep with death. You can not swing a sword at a tree and scream at it, to produce more fruit or hold a burning torch to a field and demand more wheat. You can not get more eggs by threatening a hen but you can get a man to give you his eggs by threatening him! This ‘human farming’ has been the most profitable and destructive occupation throughout history. And it’s finally reaching it’s finally destructive climax.
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5 Reasons Why American Riots Will Be The Worst In The World

America is in deep denial about the state of the economy and of our future.. This way of life is not going to last much longer! Riots are spreading across the globe and they still have to show up in the states. The problem is that we are living in a complete police state and the riots in the U.S will be way worse than anywhere else in the world! Read the five reasons below:
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WARNING – Martial Law 2011?

The list below was taken from Michael Herzong Who Runs The American Awakening Show.. He has predicted the economic crash of 2008 and he has predicted the current collapse of the U.S government finances and now he has predicted ‘Martial Law’ within the United States within the next couple months! So is this a big hoax? Or is something going to happen very soon? Here is some of our own posts that back up this Martial Law theory: The Recent Sightings of Huge Military Train Convoys, Recent Sightings of Black Helicopters and the Sightings of Military Vehicles within the United States.. Read the rest of this entry

Multiple Military Train Convoys Across the U.S

I recently got an article tweeted to me by EZKpatriots, and I think you guys should follow him because he always has good intel! People have spotted HUGE military train-convoys within the United States!! Now the question is where is all this equipment going? Are they preparing for World War 3? Or are they getting ready to implement Martial Law and place citizens in Concentration Camps which have been constructed across the nation by FEMA? We knew something was happening when we got a lot of reports of Military Trucks being transported across the United States on June 20th. I also did another post about all the recent sightings of black helicopters.. Now after putting all of our posts together, we can see that something BIG is happening in the United States.. The only problem is we don’t know if this equipment is being exported or just stationed at different military bases across the nation.. I have a feeling that it’s for the upcoming collapse of the United States Government! Here is some information that I found across the web…
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The A to Z of the Food Industry’s Most Evil Ingredients

If you want to stay healthy and out of the hospital,read ingredients labels and make sure you avoid all these ingredients: Below is a great article from Mike Adams at Natural News.. Say No To GMOs and the toxic chemicals that are in our food supply!
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270,000 Organic Famers Sue Monsanto

More than 270,000 organic farmers are taking on corporate agriculture giant Monsanto in a lawsuit filed March 30. Led by the Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association, the family farmers are fighting for the right to keep a portion of the world food supply organic — and preemptively protecting themselves from accusations of stealing genetically modified seeds that drift on to their pristine crop fields.
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Inception: A True Story About Dreams?

Since watching the movie Inception; I have been fascinated with the idea of this ‘dream within a dream’ and the other theories about dreaming.. In one of my earlier posts; I said that Hollywood creates our reality.. I think this is 100% true because where do people get these ideas from? And within a couple months after the movie; science-fiction becomes reality! Below is some information which suggests that dreams can be altered by your subconscious mind..
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