Monthly Archives: March 2011

The All Seeing Eye is Everywhere!

The Eye of Providence (or the All-Seeing Eye of God) is a symbol showing an eye often surrounded by rays of light or a glory and usually enclosed by a triangle. It is sometimes interpreted as representing the eye of God watching over humankind (or a higher force which controls the government.)
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Police & Courts Are Unconstitutional

Today I was on my way home and the police department was setting up a Police Checkpoint right in the middle of rush hour on a busy street. The cops are so corrupt they put it in a position where you can’t make any turns before it’s too late and they also have the two different police forces covering each side. These checkpoints are unconstitutional, Why are they doing them in the day-time. I always thought the excuse was that they needed to catch drunk drivers, well not in the morning. Are they looking for someone? Or are they trying to boost revenue to justify their jobs?
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EPA to Raise “Safe” Limits for Radiation Exposure

If you thought the EPA was out there to help the citizens… Well you were wrong!!! Why did they just decide to raise the levels all of a sudden? Right around the Japan disaster? Seems like they are going to cover up the sicknesses that people will be getting soon due to the radiation….Already in Japan they have been getting rashes from this toxic stuff.
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The Marijuana Conspiracy

As you know that the government has been blocking the legalization of Marijuana for decades. It’s the alcohol and tobacco companies that have been secretly paying the government to block this legalization which would hurt their profits or could even put them out of business … They have been doing research on this drug for sometime now and they never posted the results of the study.. What did they find?? That it reversed the growth cancer cells and kept the normal cells intact …
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Real-Time Radiation.. It’s In America Now!

Below is some great information of the Radioactive Fall-Out From Japan… It’s from this website. It’s already across the United States as we speak. If it keeps leaking the entire world will be toxic from this radioactive material. It’s really upsetting for the citizens in Japan right now! In my other post: Japan is evacuating
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Traffic Cameras: Government Surveillance?

Well recently my town and many other surrounding. towns have been installing these new “Traffic Control Cameras” What ever that means… The lights take just as long and that camera on the top doesn’t do nothing but keep an eye on you. What a perfect way to track people by getting their license plate, picture/video and your location. Almost ever traffic light has these cameras on the top of it, but where do these wires lead? To one central database (Super-computer) which gets processed, saved and reviewed. Now next time you seen one of these cameras look where it is pointed. Not at the intersection; Right at your car! Now I found this article below which explains what these cameras could do….
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Japan Is Evacuating!! Breaking News!!!

This is breaking news people!!!! Japan is starting to evacuate people! They are telling the citizens to get sticky tape and close up their windows and doors. Well that’s not going to help at all!!! They are saying everything is fine but that’s not the case! The people of Japan only have a few choices of where to relocate but who knows if the radiation fallout will reach the entire world within the next month if they don’t do something about it!
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Implants Removed From Abductees

Dr. Roger Leir has been removing extraterritorial implant from patients for a couple years now. Most of the abductees know they were implanted and know where it is on their body. Some also claim that it gives off radio-frequency which sets off alarms, phones and other electronic devices. One guy also stated that the device gave him “special powers.” I believe some of these alien abduction stories but after watching this one video by Dr. Leir, I have made up my mind.
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Sphere Sculptures Across the Globe

These Sphere Sculptures have been popping up all across the world without any media coverage or any type of information about them.  Are these a sign of 2012 or the New World Order? It looks if a new world is emerging from an “old world”, or a new planet breaking through the Earths surface; Ending the world as we know it…
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The Nuclear & Economic Melt-Down!!!

We need to prepare for the upcoming Nuclear and Global Economic Melt Down which is in the process as we speak. The reactors at Fukushima have been emitting radiation since the 11th of March. The U.S Government claims that there is no radiation fall-out over the United States at all yet but I highly doubt that! They also claim that Japan is making the situation less toxic than it really is. So what is the real damage? The truth of the matter is that it’s going to make the dollar much less valuable, food prices, imports, cars, and other things will skyrocket to insane prices triggering mass starvation’s, (depopulation) total wipe-out of the poverty class and it’s possible even the middle class depending if there is food shortages or costly price tag.
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TV and Movies Predict the Future

When a movie depicts the future will it become reality? It seems that if anything is featured in a movie or on the TV it will become reality within the year. Same with weapons, ideas, the upcoming events in the near future.. As for example before 9/11 there was many shows and move that have “predicted” planes crashing into the world trade center. I’m not making this stuff up; I’ll be posting a video with all the different shows that aired 9/11 scenarios CREATING the REALITY for the upcoming year..
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Have You Had a Bloodly Nose Lately?

Well since this Japan Radiation I have been told by a great group of people that they are getting Nose Bleeds all of a sudden. Could it be from radioactive material that is floating in the air? Here are the symptoms for about 250-600 rems
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9/11= False Flag Attack

Lets put this debate to an end… September 11, 2001 was the “attack” on the World Trade Centers which changed the world forever. Not for the better, not for safety and definitely not for the citizens.. Many new laws and executive orders had been created since 9/11. Our rights have been stripped and our privacy has been invaded!
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Japan Radiation Is Making America Toxic…

Since the reactor at Fukushima has been spilling Radioactive since March 11, 2011 when a big Earthquake/Tsunami hit Japan.. The EPA has put up “real time” detectors to warn someone if the radiation gets to dangerous levels.. Well it will be too late if it gets that bad so we have to be scared even if a little of radiation makes it way to the United States. The EPA covered up the BP Oil Spill, so what do you expect with this disaster? In Japan they also said they saw HAARP “clouds” and they look VERY unnatural and also the use of Chemtrails has been upped by our shadow Government… So be prepared to breathe in toxic air, eat toxic food and now our world will be filled with toxic cancer causing chemicals.. 9/11/01 + 3/10/11 = 2012 Will the end of the world happen soon? Or is it another hoax. I guess well find out!
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There is Still Oil Down in the GULF

Well recently I went Florida on the Gulf side of the state and there was still Oil/Corexit in Pools, Bird Baths and other things where water sits even at the beaches.. No matter how much the Government or BP tells you there is still oil coming from the sky.. So the people in Louisiana and other gulf states are being poisoned everyday… With the use of Chemtrails the world is becoming a very toxic place.. I was very shocked to see that oil film on top of the water…Our government is lying to us 24/7 and were all going to dye of a secret world government plan of depopulation!