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The Survival Food Pyramid

From: Survival-Cache

From personal experience I know, when you first get into surviving/prepping the information thrown at you can be overwhelming. The Survival Food Pyramid will get you started stocking food in a logical, simple, and economical way. Everyone who has a basement full of canned goods and a survival garden started somewhere. We will help get you started.
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Monsanto, GMOs, & The Global Genocide of Science And Humanity

By Ethan A. Huff

In a recent interview on Infowars Nightly News (INN), international bestselling author Jeffrey M. Smith reveals in shocking detail the biotechnology industry’s laundry list of perpetual crimes against humanity via its propagation of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). Smith explains how biotech giant Monsanto, in particular, has rigged the entire system to push its deadly products on the populations of the world.
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Be Prepared: 6 Foods To Store Forever

Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post

In the event of a global food crisis, it is vital to be prepared. The key to preparedness is storing food that is easy to get a hold of, will last for several years or even decades, and is somewhat nutrient-dense. While it is always important to purchase high quality organic foods, in the event of a food crisis it is often essential to exercise your survival skills, which may mean it is hard to come across optimal food sources.
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Is The Government Stockpiling Food For An Upcoming Crisis?

Is the U.S. government stockpiling huge amounts of food and supplies in anticipation that something bad is about to happen?  Is something about to cause a major economic crisis that will require large quantities of emergency food?  For a while, I have been hearing things about the government storing food through the grapevine and I have not been sure what to think about those rumors.  Well, today I received a phone call that blew me away.  I debated for quite a while before I decided whether or not to share this information with you all.  Read the rest of this entry

Arsenic In Our Apple Juice?!

If your familiar with the toxic crap, we call food then you should know it’s filled with toxic shit! Well this Arsenic information was featured on the Dr. Oz show. So what is Arsenic? Well it occurs in many minerals, usually in conjunction with sulfur and metals, and also as a pure elemental crystal. It was first documented by Albertus Magnus in 1250. The main use of metallic arsenic is for strengthening alloys of copper and especially lead (for example, in automotive batteries). Well they put this toxic stuff into our food supply; here is some good information:
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Microwave Ovens Are Dangerous!

Did you know that almost every household in America owns a Microwave Oven.. Most people are familiar with ‘nuking’ their frozen food, but is it actually good for you? Of-Course Not! But most people don’t even think about the dangerous effects of this very convenient piece of technology. What ever you do; don’t microwave anything plastic or metal! Below I included a lot of good information which suggests that you should throw out your microwave oven and start eating healthy because it’s only killing you!
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Toxins From G.M Plants Found in Women and Fetuses

When the U.S government approved Monsanto’s genetically modified ‘BT’ corn, they knew it would add a deadly poison into our food supply! The corn’s DNA is fitted with a gene from bacteria called Bacillus Thuringiensis that produces this BT-Toxin.. It’s basically a pesticide, which breaks open the stomach of insects and kills them! But Monsanto and the EPA said that this toxin would only affect insects.. They claimed that it wouldn’t hurt the human digestive system… Now don’t forget that most of the corn in the United States is genetically modified!
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School Lunches Around The World

You are what you eat. In some countries kids are fed with really delicious food, in some – with food rich in nutrients and vitamins, while in others kids do not get enough vitamins from food at all. I’d pick Asia for my kids.
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6 Ways Food is Being Used as a Weapon

Activist Post

Hungry people will do anything for food, which means that those who have control over food can use it as leverage. In 1974, Henry Kissinger suggested using food as a weapon to induce targeted population reduction in a previously classified 200-page reportNational Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.  The primary tactic to be applied is that food aid would be withheld from developing nations until they submitted to birth control policies:
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270,000 Organic Famers Sue Monsanto

More than 270,000 organic farmers are taking on corporate agriculture giant Monsanto in a lawsuit filed March 30. Led by the Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association, the family farmers are fighting for the right to keep a portion of the world food supply organic — and preemptively protecting themselves from accusations of stealing genetically modified seeds that drift on to their pristine crop fields.
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Water Fluoridation Doesn’t Fight Cavities

Water Fluoridation Doesn’t Fight Cavities! Neither does it protect our teeth.. In-fact it’s mostly pharmaceutical waste which is turned into this magical drug called Fluoride… There is Fluoride in our toothpaste and there is warnings on the label not to ingest it.. We also know that many foods already have Fluoride in them, ill include the document below.. Here is some undeniable evidence that our government is trying to make us submissive by using this drug in our water supply and other products.
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The Global Food Crisis Is Here

In case you haven’t noticed the world is on the verge of a complete collapse of everything! Including our Governments, money supply and most important of all our food and water supply! This is not only because of rising debt and costs but rather the crazy weather and natural disasters which have become the norm.. The price of oil has skyrocketed, same can be said about Gold and Silver! Our global economy relies on the Dollar as the World Currency Reserve and that’s what makes things cheap for us Americans and other countries across the globe. Now once the dollar is junked, our prices will increase by 50% overnight.. Read the rest of this entry

The “Hidden” Inflation… In Food Packaging

Ever since the last “recession” and the huge bailouts that were given to corporations by the government was only the beginning of something much worse! It’s Here People!! The depression, hyper-inflation and the upcoming food crisis that the whole world will face starting off with America! Trust me people! Ever since the Nuclear disaster in Japan our food supply have never been more threatened than ever! They already found radiation in Milk, Strawberries and all the other naturally growing foods including fish, chicken and beef.. Our government doesn’t want to admit it yet but there is always a cover-up involving these natural disasters. It already has been labeled way worse than Chernobyl and schools in Korea have been closing due to radioactive rain..
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Our Food & Water Is Toxic! Radiation Poisoning

I’m not sure if you have been following all the news updates about Japan and the NUCLEAR DISASTER which is happening right now! There is Nuclear Waste which is being poured into the Pacific Ocean as we speak and it will continue unless we cover this failing plant with cement… China has been the only nation which has raised complete concern about this disaster. While the USA and other countries have played it off like nothing is happening.. The radiation fall-out has made it’s way all across the world now. We are all breathing in this toxic stuff right now! In California they were told not to eat strawberries, lettuce, mushrooms (Well Pretty Much Anything) and not to drink rainwater (Soon to be Tap-Water.) The EPA and the US Government are not raising any concerns about this disaster, it’s hundred times worse than the BP Oil Spill and much more toxic!
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Radiation Found in Milk & Water.. Food Soon

Radiation from Japan rained on Berkeley during recent storms at levels that exceeded drinking water standards by 181 times and has been detected in multiple milk samples, but the U.S. government has still not published any official data on nuclear fallout here from the Fukushima disaster.
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