Blog Archives

Be Prepared: 6 Foods To Store Forever

Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post

In the event of a global food crisis, it is vital to be prepared. The key to preparedness is storing food that is easy to get a hold of, will last for several years or even decades, and is somewhat nutrient-dense. While it is always important to purchase high quality organic foods, in the event of a food crisis it is often essential to exercise your survival skills, which may mean it is hard to come across optimal food sources.
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Is The Government Stockpiling Food For An Upcoming Crisis?

Is the U.S. government stockpiling huge amounts of food and supplies in anticipation that something bad is about to happen?  Is something about to cause a major economic crisis that will require large quantities of emergency food?  For a while, I have been hearing things about the government storing food through the grapevine and I have not been sure what to think about those rumors.  Well, today I received a phone call that blew me away.  I debated for quite a while before I decided whether or not to share this information with you all.  Read the rest of this entry

Science Reveals 8 Catastrophic Events That Could Wipe Out Humanity

1. Celestial Body Impact Collision

This refers to astronomical objects, mostly asteroids, that will penetrate Earth’s atmosphere causing impact much like the Yucatan Chicxulub crater which most scientists agree is the smoking gun responsible for the demise of the dinosaurs and more than 70 percent of Earth’s living species 65 million years ago.

Asteroid 2004 MN4 was recently upgraded to “an unprecedented level of risk” of striking the planet on April 13, 2029. Hey if NASA claims it’s “worried”, we common folk should be petrified!
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The East Coast Disaster – A Earthquake & Now A Hurricane?

This is breaking news: Hurricane Irene will hit the east coast starting on Saturday.. People are already evacuating from orders of the National Guard. The highways are jammed, the stores are bare and people are scared! Not to mention we had the Earthquake a couple days ago which started in Virginia and was felt in New Jersey, New York, and even Canada! I have been preparing for this Hurricane; That’s why I haven’t been posting as much as I usually do. (Sorry) But I decided to do a quick post about this east coast disaster including the Earthquake to get the facts across.. Something seems weird about these disasters; could ELENIN be getting closer to earth? Or does HAARP have something to do with this? Could the recent sightings of huge Chemtrails also have a role in creating this disaster? I don’t know but I’m going to include some research below and if you have family or if your on the East Coast; please prepare!!
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Lots of FAA No-Fly Zones?

There is something weird happening in the United States… There has been a lot of sightings of military equipment being transported.. People seen hummers, heavy machinery, lots of weapons and lots of troops being moved across the US… They could be moving this stuff for the Nuclear Melt-Down that is occurring here in the states or for something much worse, like a False Flag Event.. The mainstream media hasn’t reported anything about these No Fly-Zones or the military equipment or even the truth about the disaster in Nebraska! The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has declared over fifty no-fly zones in the US just in the past month.. Now in 2009 and 2010 the FAA declared only 5 no-fly zones.. Now doesn’t that seem a little suspicious to you? Check out the website for yourself…
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12 Things That The News Is Not Reporting…

Here is a list of things that the mainstream media is being really ‘hush-hush’ about..We know something is happening within the United States and abroad.. The mainstream media and the government is in ‘black-out’ mode right now.. We will post more information as it comes available about this upcoming ‘disaster’ but read the facts below…
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Fukushima is Still Leaking! And No One Cares….

I haven’t posted about Fukushima lately because I figured many people were following the updates I included on our discussion forum and from other sources.. But I found out that many people weren’t following the reports about Fukushima only because there is almost no coverage about this on the mainstream media! I don’t think people realize how deadly or toxic this radiation really is… I have done a couple posts about Japan, I reported that our food was going to be toxic on April 4, 2011.. I also included air-quality results for plutonium, which was found in cities across the globe… Read the rest of this entry

NASA: Family/Personal Preparedness Plan

What does NASA know? Is something about to happen? A doomsday event or a solar storm that will knock out all communications across the globe? We know that they will be having a conference on sun spots this Tuesday, I wonder if there’s a connection? Should we be alarmed? What concerns me is that on the memo; they have links to FEMA, Homeland Security, CDC and the World Health Organization… Below is a memo that was sent out to all of the NASA employees.. Ill be adding more information when it comes available..
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The Next UPCOMING Disaster….

We all know something is about to happen in the United States and across the globe… Lately the weather has been awful crazy…. It rains in my state about 4 days out of the week. It never use to rain this much, and their has been a lot of flooding and it’s only gotten worse over the last year. The weather has been crazy everywhere in the United States.. It’s still not warm outside and its almost May.. It skips over seasons, Now it’s only Winter and Summer… Natural Disasters have been happening like every month.. This past winter we had record snow falls, but the worst thing that happened in 2011 was the Japan Earthquake/Tsunami and the Nuclear Melt-Down which is still leaking today… It seems like the mainstream media gets “distracted” from every disaster… It’s because they want to draw you attention away from one thing by telling you something else happened…
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